25+ Free Online Logo Generators Tools Website


LogoYes is the leading provider of do-it-yourself logos and other premium design products to small businesses around the world. We pioneered do-it-yourself logo creation and have a patent pending on our unique processes. What’s more, our site’s superior quality of symbols and ease of use have made it one of the web’s most popular design sites.

Logo Maker

Logomaker has been around for nearly a decade. (We were once part of Logoworks and HP). The work of our designers has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, Inc. Magazine, and industry award publications like Communication Arts. We’ll be here when you need us .
Logo Maker

Cool Text

A drop shadow gives a logo extra flare, and often makes it look more smooth and professional. Unfortunately, only a few of our logos have had the option to add a shadow, and they gave you practically no control over how it looked.
Cool Text

Graphic Springs

Our professional free logo maker allows you to easily design a customized logo by editing graphics, text, colors, etc. Make your own logo today with our free professional logo maker.
Graphic Springs


GRSites can help simply the process of creating elegant web designs.

Logo Ease

Before downloading the free logo maker software below, take just 5 minutes to read the information on this page because it may save you a lot of time and money whilst increasing the chance of success for your business!
Logo Ease

Text Effects

TextFX is a free logo design generator. Generate your own logo with our stunning premade effects. From 3D to Neon effects. Use it on your designs, posters and website.
Text Effects

Logo Designer Engine

Logo Designer Engine


7 Easy and Free Online Tools for Designing Your Logo . Building a website is no easy fit, especially when you’re a small business owner, a writer, a musician or in short – someone who isn’t a web designer or a graphic designer.
Wix logo maker

Free QR Code Generators

You can generate free QR codes on this website. A QR code is a two dimensional barcode that stores information in black and white dots (called data pixels or “QR code modules”). Besides the black and white version, you can also create a colored QR code. For these codes to work without problems, make sure the contrast is sufficient and the result is not a negative (in terms of color). To make your QR code even better, you can also get a QR code with logo.
Free QR Code Generators

Gambling Vegas

This online application (free imaging tool) is for creating cool looking text effects (you may use chars AaBbCc DdEeFfGg HhIiJjKk LlMmNnOo PpQqRrSs TtUuVv WwXxYyZz 1234567890 !.;,'( )&@?-) with up to 50 characters.
Gambling Vegas


The services creatr.cc, templatr.cc, timashr.com, thememaker.cc and a few more of my services have been on line now for more or less 2 years and can be used by anyone free of charge. The oldest service, counter-service.de has even been up and running for almost 10 years now. Whenever i find the time and it`s possible, new features are added and faults removed.

Crap Logo Yourself

Why hire an expensive firm to rebrand? Enter Text to be Crap Logo’d: Between 3 and 10 characters, please.
Crap Logo Yourself

Logo Banner

You can use the graphic created by our Banner or Logo generator on any website you wisth. It’s FREE, it’s yours! If you can’t get your banner or logo graphic just right the first time, tweak it and try again, no problem!
Logo Banner

Web 2.0 Free Logo Generator

Quickly create a nice looking professional style logo using the SimWebSol free online logo creation tool. Choose background color, logo color, font face, font style (bold, italic, or underline) and font size. Add a reflection or a symbol to the left or right side to make it even more unique. Then choose PNG, GIF, or JPG, with DPI ranging from 72 to 1200.
Web 2.0 Free Logo Generator

Facebook, Twitter and Google Logo Maker

Facebook, Twitter and Google Logo Maker

Flickr Logo Makr

Make logos just like flickr. Type your test and hit enter. That’s it.
Flickr Logo Maker

Text Logo Maker

You can create images from text, email address, URL, etc.
Text Logo Maker

Funny Logo

Create Free Funny Logo make your own search engine with your name as logo. Type your name in the textbox and select a logo style to create your own funny logo.
Funny Logo

Online Logo Maker

Create your own logo for free!
Online Logo Maker


Design a logo in just a few minutes!


Design your own logo or text for your website, blog, videos, screenshots, forum sig., artwork, Minecraft server, wallpaper, computer games etc.

Logo Garden

Make a FREE logo in 8 minutes.
Logo Garden

Free 3D Logo

Thousands of businesses and organizations a wide selection of Free Logos to meet their needs. The process is simple pick a free logo design from all of the options and select the two colors to be used during recreation.
Free 3D Logo


Text generator | Make your own logo with our free logo generator. Customize personalized gifts to your friends, colleagues and family. No skills required.
text Giraffe


Free Glitter Text Words Generator .

The Free Logo Makers

Use this generator to make free glittering flash text for your profile or blog. This is a very easy to use generator. Just type in your text, pick what style, font, size, etc you want, and it outputs the code. Copy the code into your page and you are good to go.
The Free Logo Makers

1 comment:

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